Thursday 31 August 2017

Smule vs StarMaker: Which is the best Karaoke singer App

Recently the karaoke singer apps are getting popular, which get popularity through social medias like Facebook and others. Smule was the first one to hit millions heart which provides millions of songs at any language in worldwide. Somany peoples are got popular by singing and sharing their voices through this app.
Now StarMaker is another karaoke singing app which is arrived with better UI and new features to take down Smule. So I installed two applications and tested the features. I used Smule from past few weeks and using currently. And StarMaker is new to me, but it catches my mind with it's better UI and new features.


Smule is the first heart touched application for the users. It allows the user to sing in various language around the world and instantly edit and share to the world. It allows you to share your voice through any social medias like Facebook, Instagram or even you can copy it's link.

There is a complete instructions for the users for how to sing, and there is the lyrics of song, which highlights when the timings of the song. Which helps the user to sing on the correct time. And there is a window to follow the loudness of the voice. You can pause and play the karaoke any time,or re record it any time any position of the song. After recording the song it allows the user to check the recorded song and two options, to rerecord the same song or delete the record. You can correct the timing by adjusting it below and add effects like Studio, double etc.

Using Smule, you can connect with friends, follow them and join them for a group or duet performance. And you can listen to the popular recordings too. Smule allows the user to upload songs to make it a large songbook. Smule offers a VIP pass for Rs 110 for a month or Rs 1100 for 12 months for the ad free version.

StarMaker :
StarMaker is the new app in this section, which gets lot of advertisement in facebook. And the UI is a plus point of this application, which catches the mind of the user. Like Smule, StarMaker also allows the user to sing, record and delete/publish the karaoke he/she sang.

Apart from Smule, StarMaker allows the user to control the voice and the music for better experience. And allows to add effects directly or after recording the song. There is a draft option which is not present in Smule.

StarMaker is a new application for me so I want to check it properly for giving more depthfull review.   But both the application allows you to sing and publish the songs with great effects, that covers your flaws.

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